Equity, Inclusion and Diversity (EID)
New Mexico State University supports numerous initiatives to promote equity, inclusion, and diversity for and among its students, staff, and faculty. These efforts are supported by a Diversity Council, the American Indian Program, Black Programs, Chicano Programs, LGBT+ Programs, and Military and Veterans Programs. As the state’s land-grant and space-grant university, and as a Hispanic-Serving Institution, NMSU and the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences are committed to embracing equity, inclusion and diversity in our community that enables all students, faculty, and staff to fully engage in the educational, outreach and scholarly pursuits of our College.
In August of 2021, the College of ACES selected Dr. Laura Bittner and Dr. Karim Martinez to serve as co-directors of the ACES EID initiative. Their new duties include coordinating and managing strategic activities related to equity, inclusion and diversity on behalf of ACES while serving as a liaison to related campus-wide initiatives. They will also work with the university’s new diversity leader, Dr. Teresa Maria Linda Scholz. They also will collaborate with ACES unit leaders and the dean’s office to develop a strategic plan to promote equity, inclusion and diversity throughout the college’s academic departments, Cooperative Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station.

Cooperative Extension Service: Coming Together for Racial Understanding Initiative
NMSU CES has trained a team of four in the national Extension curriculum “Coming Together for Racial Understanding (CTRU).” This program is a dialogue-to-change process for groups seeking new pathways for working together across racial/ethnic lines. It seeks to foster understanding and build trust in order to take informed collective action for meaningful change. For more information, please visit the Southern Rural Development Center.
- Laura Bittner, Ph. D.; Interim Dept. Head; 4-H Youth Development; lbittner@nmsu.edu
- Karim Martinez, Ph. D., CFLE; Family Life and Child Development Specialist; Extension Family and Consumer Sciences; karmarti@nmsu.edu
- Newt McCarty, State Agent; 4-H Pathways and 4-H Youth Development; jnewton3@nmsu.edu
- Marisa Thomson, Ph. D.; Urban Horticulture Specialist; Extension Plant Sciences; risi@nmsu.edu
Programs and Initiatives
- Diversity Council | New Mexico State University
- American Indian Program | New Mexico State University
- Indian Resources Development
- Black Programs | New Mexico State University
- Chicano Programs | New Mexico State University
- LGBT+ Programs | New Mexico State University
- Military and Veterans Programs | New Mexico State University
Upcoming Events
Sharpening our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lens Workshop
Date: February 22, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
Location: Wooten Hall
The following in-person professional development workshop is open to all College of ACES faculty, staff, and administrators.